Friday, July 22, 2011

This Finnsheep ewe is Star 901. Following her is Usva 1356, the gray ram lamb that we just wrote about. At this picture he was just turned out to pasture from the jug pen on the 3rd day and already you can note the lighter color gray showing on his neck/shoulder area.

If you look carefully, you can see a small set of legs underneath Star's belly. That is the little sister Aamu 1355 who is showing gray now that she is 60 days +... difference being that it is a clearly defined line between the black and her lighter gray. Am I correct in saying that the black/gray line color change shows the modified genetics and the gray like Usva where the baby fuzz fell out and he was all gray underneath just is gray??? Help me with this if you know...

1 comment:

Gail V said...

I have no guess on whether that line of change means modified or Ag gray. One new thought I'm applying to my color descriptions is: if it's modified, even face and leg will be lighter. I could be wrong-- it's all new.