Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Who am I? What Will I Be?

I was brown, now I am silver...
I was small and helpless, now I am bigger...
I will be larger and mother protector...
What am I???

Look at the next blog for the answer...


We have been so blessed this year.

Lena turned 1 year old this year. She is a joy and a delight to our hearts.

Aiden was born this summer and is growing well... healthy and a delight.

Eleanora is now born, healthy, whole and home with her mom and dad. What Joy!

Gabriel is born this day! Healthy and whole. His mom and dad rejoice in him as do we all!

Heather and Jami are both due... we await with hearts aflutter to hear good news!

Dominique is due near to December beginning.

This year, the family has increased exceedingly, and the family has enlarged it's territories... Andrea in Florida, Tracie in Colorado, Larissa and Dominique in Kentucky, the rest of us in various parts of New York. May each of your family grow in favor and grace wherever you walk.

Finnsheep Available For Sale, NY

Hello to all of you,

This is just to let you know that currently Lighthouse Farm has some adult Finnsheep ewes and some lambs available for sale.

The adult ewes have been exposed to a ram for fall lambing. We have both ram lambs and ewe lambs currently available.

Come, visit us at our website: Our website is being updated, but the Available Finnsheep page is currently up and you are able to peruse Finnsheep to your hearts content.

I will be attending the FBA Annual Business meeting held in conjunction with the NY Sheep & Wool Festival in Rhinebeck, NY on October 15th-16th so transportation of sheep to that location is possible.

I hope we have something that meets your desires.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Usva - Finnsheep Gray Ram

This is a current photo of Usva. He is our Gray Finnsheep ram lamb from this year. This photo was taken in August and he was born in April.

His fleece crimp is as incredible as his color!!! He now belongs to Deb Hilliard of The Meadows Gate Finnsheep in Andover, NY as a herd sire. She is a long-time hand-spinner with a small flock of Finnsheep.

A white ewe from my flock of Finnsheep went with him to his new home. She is also of splendid fleece and her owner "can hardly wait to get her hands into their first fleece to begin spinning!"